General Anesthetics and Pre-Anesthetics

Overview of General Anesthetics

Definition and Purpose of General Anesthesia

General anesthesia is a state of reversible unconsciousness and loss of sensation induced by the administration of certain medications, known as general anesthetics. Its purpose is to allow surgical procedures to be performed without pain, discomfort, or awareness for the patient. 

General anesthesia encompasses three key components: 


Analgesia (pain relief)

Muscle relaxation

Historical Background and Development of General Anesthetics

The history of general anesthesia dates back to the 19th century when significant advancements were made in the field of surgery. In 1846, the first successful use of ether as a general anesthetic was demonstrated by William T.G. Morton. This breakthrough revolutionized surgical practice and laid the foundation for the development of various general anesthetics over the years.

Since then, several other general anesthetics have been discovered and refined, including nitrous oxide, chloroform, halothane, isoflurane, propofol, and many more. Each of these agents has unique properties, such as onset and duration of action, side effects, and routes of administration.

General Principles and Goals of Anesthesia Induction, Maintenance, and Emergence


The induction phase involves the administration of general anesthetics to initiate the state of anesthesia rapidly. The goals during this phase are to ensure smooth transition to unconsciousness, establish adequate depth of anesthesia, and maintain cardiovascular stability.


Once the patient is in the state of anesthesia, the maintenance phase aims to sustain the desired level of anesthesia throughout the surgical procedure. The goals include adjusting the dosage and administration of anesthetics to maintain appropriate depth of anesthesia, managing vital signs, and ensuring patient comfort and safety.


The emergence phase occurs towards the end of the surgical procedure when the anesthetics are discontinued, and the patient transitions back to consciousness. The goals here are to facilitate a smooth and gradual awakening, manage any post-anesthetic effects, and ensure the patient's safety and comfort during recovery.

Mechanism of Action of General Anesthetics

GABAergic System and Its Role in General Anesthesia

The GABAergic system plays a crucial role in the mechanism of action of many general anesthetics. GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS). It binds to specific GABA receptors, leading to the hyperpolarization of neurons and inhibiting their activity. Enhancing GABAergic neurotransmission results in sedative, anxiolytic, and anticonvulsant effects.

General anesthetics, such as barbiturates and benzodiazepines, enhance GABAergic neurotransmission by facilitating the binding of GABA to its receptors or by directly activating GABA receptors. This leads to increased inhibitory signaling, producing the desired sedative and anesthetic effects.

Effects of General Anesthetics on Neurotransmitter Receptors and Ion Channels

General anesthetics can also interact with other neurotransmitter receptors and ion channels in the CNS, contributing to their overall effects. For example:

NMDA Receptors

NMDA receptors are involved in excitatory neurotransmission and play a role in learning, memory, and pain perception. Some general anesthetics, such as ketamine, inhibit NMDA receptors, leading to their anesthetic and analgesic effects.

Sodium Channels

General anesthetics can affect sodium channels, which are essential for the generation and propagation of action potentials in neurons. By modulating sodium channels, anesthetics can inhibit neuronal activity and produce their desired effects.

Potassium Channels

General anesthetics may also influence potassium channels, which regulate neuronal excitability. By enhancing potassium channel activity, anesthetics can induce membrane hyperpolarization and contribute to their sedative and anesthetic effects.

Molecular Targets and Pathways Involved in Mediating Anesthetic Effects

The precise molecular targets and pathways involved in mediating the effects of general anesthetics are still under investigation. Various proteins and signaling pathways have been implicated, including

Ligand-gated ion channels, such as GABA receptors and NMDA receptors.

Ion channels involved in membrane potential regulation, such as potassium and sodium channels.

Intracellular signaling pathways that modulate neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission.

It's important to note that different general anesthetics may target specific proteins or pathways, contributing to their unique pharmacological properties and side effect profiles.

Understanding the mechanism of action of general anesthetics allows us to appreciate how these agents produce their desired effects on the CNS. It also helps in the development of new anesthetic agents and the improvement of existing ones. 

Types of General Anesthetics and their Pharmacological Properties

Now, let's dive into the different types of general anesthetics and their pharmacological properties. Understanding the characteristics and administration of these agents is crucial for tailoring anesthesia to individual patients.

  1. Inhalation Anesthetics:

    • Halogenated Ethers:

      • Isoflurane
      • Sevoflurane
      • Desflurane
    • Nitrous Oxide (N2O)

    • Xenon (Xe)

  2. Intravenous (IV) Anesthetics:

    • Barbiturates:

      • Thiopental
      • Methohexital
    • Benzodiazepines:

      • Midazolam
      • Diazepam
    • Propofol

    • Etomidate

    • Ketamine

1. Inhalation Anesthetics

Inhalation anesthetics are administered by inhalation and are widely used in anesthesia practice. They include agents such as

Halogenated Ethers (Isoflurane, Sevoflurane, Desflurane)

Mechanism of Action

Halogenated ethers enhance the inhibitory effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter, in the central nervous system (CNS). They interact with GABAA receptor and potentiate GABA-mediated inhibitory neurotransmission, leading to sedation and anesthesia.

Side Effects

Common side effects include respiratory depression, hypotension, nausea, vomiting, and potential liver and kidney toxicity. Halogenated ethers may also cause malignant hyperthermia, a rare but serious condition characterized by a hypermetabolic response to anesthesia.


Isoflurane is a volatile inhalation anesthetic that produces rapid and smooth induction of anesthesia. It has a low blood-gas solubility, allowing for a quick onset and recovery. Isoflurane provides good muscle relaxation and is commonly used for maintenance of anesthesia during surgical procedures.


Sevoflurane is another widely used inhalation anesthetic known for its rapid onset and offset of action. It has a pleasant odor and is well-tolerated by patients. Sevoflurane is often preferred for induction and maintenance of anesthesia, especially in pediatric patients.


Desflurane is a volatile inhalation anesthetic with low blood-gas solubility, similar to isoflurane. It has a rapid onset and offset, making it suitable for both induction and maintenance of anesthesia. Desflurane is known for its low metabolism and minimal hepatic toxicity.

Nitrous Oxide (N2O)

Mechanism of Action

Nitrous oxide acts as a general anesthetic by enhancing the inhibitory effects of GABA and inhibiting excitatory glutamate receptors. It produces anxiolysis, analgesia, and a state of dissociative sedation.

Side Effects

Side effects of nitrous oxide include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and a potential risk of diffusion hypoxia. Prolonged exposure to nitrous oxide may lead to megaloblastic anemia in susceptible individuals.

Xenon (Xe)

Mechanism of Action

Xenon exerts its anesthetic effect by interacting with various neurotransmitter receptors, including GABA, glutamate, and glycine receptors. It enhances inhibitory neurotransmission and inhibits excitatory neurotransmission.

Side Effects

Xenon is generally well-tolerated, with minimal side effects. However, it may cause transient increases in blood pressure and heart rate.

Inhalation anesthetics are typically delivered through a specialized anesthesia machine and vaporizer, allowing for precise control of the concentration of the anesthetic agent. They are well-suited for maintaining a stable anesthetic depth during longer surgical procedures.

2. Intravenous (IV) Anesthetics

Intravenous anesthetics are administered directly into the bloodstream and act quickly to induce anesthesia. They include agents such as:

Barbiturates (Thiopental, Methohexital)

Mechanism of Action

Barbiturates potentiate the inhibitory effects of GABA in the CNS. They increase the duration of GABA-gated chloride channel opening, leading to neuronal hyperpolarization and sedation.

Side Effects

Common side effects include respiratory depression, hypotension, and potential cardiovascular and respiratory depression. Barbiturates can also lower seizure threshold and may cause postoperative nausea and vomiting

Benzodiazepines (Midazolam, Diazepam)

Mechanism of Action

Benzodiazepines enhance the inhibitory effects of GABA in the CNS. They bind to specific benzodiazepine receptors, leading to increased frequency of GABA-mediated chloride channel opening, resulting in sedation and anxiolysis.

Side Effects

Common side effects include sedation, respiratory depression, hypotension, and anterograde amnesia. Benzodiazepines may also cause paradoxical reactions in some individuals, resulting in increased agitation or excitability.


Propofol is a widely used IV anesthetic known for its rapid onset and short duration of action.Propofol enhances GABAergic neurotransmission by increasing the activity of GABA receptors. It promotes sedation, hypnosis, and anesthesia.

It produces smooth induction and rapid recovery, making it suitable for both induction and maintenance of anesthesia. Propofol also possesses sedative properties and is commonly used for sedation outside the operating room.

Side effects of propofol include respiratory depression, hypotension, pain on injection, and potential propofol infusion syndrome (rare, but characterized by metabolic acidosis, cardiac dysfunction, and rhabdomyolysis).


Etomidate is an IV anesthetic that is primarily used for induction of anesthesia. It has a rapid onset and minimal effects on cardiovascular stability, making it suitable for patients with compromised cardiac function. Common side effects include myoclonus (involuntary muscle twitches), pain on injection, adrenal suppression, and potential nausea and vomiting.


Mechanism of Action 

Ketamine acts as an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist. It produces dissociative anesthesia, analgesia, and hallucinogenic effects.

Side Effects

Side effects of ketamine include cardiovascular stimulation (increased heart rate and blood pressure), emergence reactions (hallucinations, confusion), and potential psychomimetic effects.

3. Balanced Anesthesia

Balanced anesthesia refers to the approach of combining different types of anesthetics to achieve optimal effects and minimize side effects. This approach aims to take advantage of the unique properties of different agents, such as the rapid onset of IV anesthetics and the smooth maintenance of inhalation anesthetics.

By combining multiple agents, the anesthesiologist can tailor the anesthetic regimen to the patient's specific needs, considering factors such as the nature of the surgical procedure, patient characteristics, and desired anesthetic depth. This approach allows for better control of vital signs, muscle relaxation, and patient comfort.

During balanced anesthesia, the choice and combination of anesthetic agents are carefully determined based on the patient's medical history, surgical requirements, and the anesthesiologist's expertise. 

Introduction to Pre-Anesthetics and their Role in Anesthesia 

Pre-anesthetics play a vital role in preparing patients for surgery and ensuring a smooth induction of anesthesia. 

1. Definition and Purpose of Pre-Anesthetics

Pre-anesthetics, also known as premedication, refer to medications administered before anesthesia induction. Their purpose is to enhance patient comfort, reduce anxiety, induce sedation, and minimize adverse effects associated with anesthesia and surgery. Pre-anesthetics are tailored to the individual patient's needs and help create a favorable environment for the induction and maintenance of anesthesia.

2. Pre-Anesthetic Medications

Commonly used pre-anesthetic medications fall into several categories, including sedatives, anxiolytics, and anticholinergics.


Sedatives are medications that promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and induce a calming effect. They help alleviate fear and apprehension in patients before undergoing surgery. Examples of sedatives used as pre-anesthetics include benzodiazepines, such as diazepam and midazolam, which have sedative, anxiolytic, and amnesic properties.


Anxiolytics specifically target anxiety and are used to alleviate preoperative stress and tension. They promote a sense of calm and tranquility in patients. Commonly prescribed anxiolytics include medications like lorazepam, alprazolam, and hydroxyzine.


Anticholinergics are medications that block the effects of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in various bodily functions. In the context of pre-anesthetics, anticholinergics are used to reduce the adverse effects of other medications, such as opioids, and to prevent certain reflex responses during surgery. Examples of anticholinergics used as pre-anesthetics include atropine and glycopyrrolate.

3. Role of Pre-Anesthetics 

The administration of pre-anesthetics serves several essential roles in the anesthesia process. These include:

Anxiety Reduction

Pre-anesthetics help alleviate preoperative anxiety and apprehension, creating a more relaxed and comfortable state for patients. This, in turn, facilitates a smoother induction of anesthesia and reduces patient distress.

Sedation Induction

Sedative pre-anesthetics induce a state of calmness and sedation, promoting a relaxed mindset before surgery. This sedative effect not only aids patient comfort but also facilitates the transition to anesthesia induction smoothly.

Minimizing Adverse Effects

Certain pre-anesthetics, such as anticholinergics, can help minimize adverse effects associated with anesthesia and surgery. For instance, anticholinergics can reduce excessive salivation, prevent reflex bradycardia, and decrease the risk of intraoperative cardiac complications.

By incorporating pre-anesthetics into the anesthesia protocol, healthcare professionals can optimize patient care, enhance patient experience, and contribute to a successful surgical outcome.


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